Tag Archives: impressionist
"No. 1, 1949" @ MOCA

Jackson Pollock exhibit @ the MOCA

Today I had a fantastic opportunity to see my favorite Jackson Pollock painting, “No. 1, 1949,” at the Museum of Contemporary Art. The MOCA (across the street from the Frank Gehry-designed Walt Disney Concert Hall, seen in the photos below) is running an exhibit featuring a wide variety of other contemporary American artists, including Lee Krasner (Pollock’s wife), Andy Warhol, Franz Kline, Robert […]

"A Pollock of My Very Own - One" (b)

My Own Pollock-Inspired Artwork

I’ve become a real fan of abstract expressionist, Jackson Pollock.  His vision and technique have so intrigued me, that I started experimenting on a canvas in my own backyard.  It was much more difficult than I expected and took several days to complete each painting, but finally I was able to create a couple of […]

Art or "mere unorganized explosions of random energy''?

My Art History 101

I’ve always enjoyed abstract art because no one can tell you what you’re supposed to see in it; you simply determine that for yourself.  I remember when I was a little kid, a huge abstract painting hung over the sofa in our family room.  I insisted that it was a painting of a white wolf […]