Last week, my classmates and I had an unusual opportunity (thanks to an SFTV class assignment) to roam all over the Sony Property Department warehouse in Culver City.
We’ve all seen the period pieces and the action films, and all those behind-the-scenes tell-all and ”the making of” featurettes, but when you actually get to rummage through an endless assortment of weapons and other props, you can’t help but nerd out a little.
And that’s exactly what my friend, Clovis, and I did. Luckily, the hypothetical short film we were scoping props for involved guns. So, we had an excuse to spend plenty of time in the weapons room, or as we dubbed it “The Awesome Room.” Here you can see some pictures of us fooling around … Uh, I mean, “doing our assignment.”
When we were done weaponing up, we proceeded to different areas of the prop house to complete the rest of our assignment and look around. Here are some pictures of what we found. Many of them were taken with Clovis’s Canon EOS 7D.